Together & Marriage

Daisypath Anniversary tickers Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, November 29, 2010

Pre-Wedding Course

Last saturday, we attended this pre-wedding courses at Mahligai Firdaus, Setiawangsa. The courses started at 10.00 am and finished at 7.00 pm on saturday, and started at 9.00 am and finished at 1.00 pm on sunday. Basically the courses was fun and very educated. But for some of it, they may consider the courses is just a license for them to get married, so they just attended the courses without bothering what the facilitator just teaches them, what a waste.

So, lets continue with the pre-wedding courses that organized by Mahligai Firdaus. On saturday, the courses divided into 6 section, the first section started with Akhlak & Hubungan Dalam Keluarga by Ustazah Wan Ngah from JAWI - Bahagian Siasatan, at first i thought her class will be boring because she was a bit old, i think maybe around 40+, but i was wrong, her classes is fills with jokes and she's so energetic.

Then, it was followed by Perkhidmatan Runding Cara Di Jabatan Agama Islam & Pembubaran Perkahwinan by Ustaz Alias Mutalib from JAWI - Jabatan Nikah Cerai & Rujuk, the truth is i do not remember about his class, so i am so sorry because i cannot tell you about his class =P After that we had a lunch break for half an hour for us to have a lunch and Zuhur prayer. They served us rice, kurma ayam, kobis and syrup.

At 2.30 pm, we continue our third section which is Perkahwinan & Prosedur by Ustaz Khori from JAKIM - Bahagian Perundangan. Basically on his class, he explain many things about married, the requirement, what to do example to get the form from Majlis Agama for Surat Kebenaran Kahwin any many more, so that you have the rough idea on the flow on what you should be doing before you proceed on getting married.

Then we have evening break, they served us goreng pisang and tea before we go for Asar prayer, after that we continue our forth section which is the last section for the day, Pengurusan Sumber Keluarga, Kewangan dan Masa Komunikasi Suami Isteri by Ustaz Abdullah Hashim from JAWI - Jabatan Nikah Cerai & Rujuk. During this class, everyone was excited, why? because the Ustaz Abdullah Hashim is so funny and spontaneous, he even dance in class to show will you do this to greet your husband when he's home? he was very confident with his presentation even though his Terengganu dialect is so clear =P

On Sunday, we continue our fifth section at 9.00 am by Tuan Haji Sani, he's a Health Officer and he was explaining on Pengurusan Stress dan Konflik/ Pengurusan Kesihatan. He's kinda bored because his presentation tempo was so slow and just like his voice. But the contents was great, he explain on how the baby grown when our future wife pregnant, and then the safety pre-caution, what and not to do after married, and how to solve when conflict occurred.

And then, we had our morning break at 11.00 am, we were served a bihun and tea and continue our last section which is Akidah and Ibadah by Puan Nurul Huda, like Tuan Haji Sani, for me she's quite boring too, not because her presentation was slow, but she's over excited on her presentation, she got carried away with her presentation, like what malay people say, syok sendiri =P

So after that we finish our pre-wedding courses and we can collect our cert on thursday. So thats how we fills our weekend last week =P

Friday, November 26, 2010


One after another, now my car is showing his problem, a lot of noise came from under the hood, i went to the workshop and ask my mechanic what will be the problem, he checked and says that my main pulley got problem, now had to change the main pulley before it became more worse, please give me strength, I'm begging you Ya-Allah...

Goodbye 'Paradise'

On the 22nd November 2010, once arrived home, i saw there's a letter from Ghani & Co (Lawyer for our Seller), when i open and read the letter i feels like the world is going down, it's a letter saying that they are returning our interest payment for extension and our 5% down payment is forfeit due to expiry date of the S&P or in our case proclamation of sales.

Then the next morning (tuesday) i called our lawyer and asked them about the letter, they told us not to worry, they are drafting and appeal letter already. Up until wednesday, we followed up and the appeal letter is not yet done, we keep on following up and it's only done on the evening and they faxed me a copy of the appeal letter. Then at night, we brought the problem and discuss with my sister in law which has a law background before this and she recommended us to go to our lawyer on the next day and discuss with them, if that no sufficient enough, then go to Ghani & Co for and appeal.

The next day which is thursday (25th November 2010), we went to our lawyer firm and guess what? our lawyer is on leave, we not sure whether she really on leave or it's just an excuse. Then the lawyer firm let another lawyer named eddy to explain to us what the situation is. Then he told us that the chances is only 50-50. So we ask him to show us all the document that they have done before this and guess what, almost every of their letter, there is a cc sign to us, but since the beginning, we did not receive any letter from them, what a disappointment. From there, we also realized that the problem that we encountered now is because they did not proceed with the interest payment on the time given. So we asked them to make a copy for us and then we proceed to Ghani & Co, but before that we asked the lawyer's clerk to call Ghani & Co first to know who we should met at Ghani & Co and we got a surprise saying that the old owner has reclaimed the house when we failed to pay the interest on the time given. End of story at our lawyer firm.

After that, we proceed to our Seller and they told us that there is no way we can get back the house because the old owner has done their settlement. The house is already theirs. Feels like crying at that moment, but i just hold it back. Only after we arrived at our car, we let it go. We cried and so disappointed with our lawyer. They never updated us their progress and never let us know any problem that they encountered. Because of their behavior we lost the house, we already did the renovation and cleaning of the house, all done because we asked the lawyer firm and they told us that we can proceed with renovation because they assured us that there is no problem and we can get the house.

Now we lost our house, money and time. We done a quick calculation of the house, we already spend almost 25k for the house, and yet the house is not ours. What an experienced. For those who wanted to buy a house or anything that involved lawyer, do know your lawyer is doing their work or not, or else you will end up disappointment. We don't know that to do right now, should we go to the bar council, report and us for their guidance or just let it go.

- Baby, thanks for always being there for me, i'm so thankful to have u by my side, u are my strength, u are my life and u are my everything, i love u so much baby and until i can never live without u, we will get through this, we will. -

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Piss Off

I am so not in the mood right now, due to stupidity of my lawyer and lembaga perumahan selangor (LPS.SUK), I'm at the tip of losing my house right now. The auctioneer (RHB) cannot wait for me anymore, after 8 months of winning the auction the house is not mine yet due to the loan is not yet release. This is all because the developer require a consent letter from lembaga perumahan selangor because the house is a low cost house, so they need a consent letter in order to change to a new owner. But the problem is why my lawyer didn't follow up with lembaga perumahan selangor after so long? why did they drag this thing for quite a long time? Not enough with that, they also not informing us even though they already know about the news that the house going to be re-sales again due to their failure of getting the consent letter. I only knew about this matter only after we received a letter from auctioneer's lawyer, saying that our request for extension is not granted and our 5% downpayment is forfeit. Now i have to follow up and chase our lawyer not just everyday, but most likely all the time like we have nothing to do. This is why i hate dealing with government and malay companies, we choose them so that we could help them, but this is what we get.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Slide @ Empire Subang

Tallest Indoor Spiral Tube Slide @ Empire Shopping Gallery

Ticket fee :

RM12 per pax

RM45 for a group of 5

Lifestyle Electronics eXperiential Centre (LEX)
2nd Floor,
Empire Shopping Gallery , Subang Jaya.

Story: Husband and Wife

Kisah ini amat bermakna untuk dijadikan pedoman buat suami isteri. Bacalah dan hayatilah:

Suami saya adalah seorang jurutera, saya mencintai sifatnya yang semulajadi dan saya menyukai perasaan hangat yang muncul dihati saya ketika bersandar dibahunya.

3 tahun dalam masa perkenalan dan 2 tahun dalam masa pernikahan, saya harus akui, bahawa saya mulai merasa letih...lelah, alasan-alasan saya mencintainya dulu telah berubah menjadi sesuatu yang menjemukan. Saya seorang wanita yang sentimental dan benar-benar sensitif serta berperasaan halus. Saya merindui saat-saat romantis seperti seorang anak kecil yang sentiasa mengharapkan belaian ayah dan ibunya. Tetapi, semua itu tidak pernah saya perolehi. Suami saya jauh berbeza dari yang saya harapkan. Rasa sensitifnya kurang. Dan ketidakmampuannya dalam menciptakan suasana yang romantis dalam perkahwinan kami telah mematahkan semua harapan saya terhadap cinta yang ideal.

Suatu hari, saya beranikan diri untuk mengatakan keputusan saya kepadanya, bahawa saya inginkan penceraian.

"Mengapa?"Dia bertanya dengan nada terkejut.

"Siti letih, Abang tidak pernah cuba memberikan cinta yang saya inginkan." Dia diam dan termenung sepanjang malam di depan komputernya, nampak seolah-olah sedang mengerjakan sesuatu, padahal tidak.

Kekecewaan saya semakin bertambah, seorang lelaki yang tidak dapat mengekspresikan perasaannya, apalagi yang boleh saya harapkan daripadanya? Dan akhirnya dia bertanya.
"Apa yang Abang boleh lakukan untuk mengubah fikiran Siti?" Saya merenung matanya dalam-dalam dan menjawab dengan perlahan.

"Siti ada 1 soalan, kalau Abang temui jawapannya didalam hati Siti, Siti akan mengubah fikiran Siti; Seandainya, Siti menyukai sekuntum bunga cantik yang ada ditebing gunung dan kita berdua tahu jika Abang memanjat gunung-gunung itu, Abang akan mati. Apakah yang Abang akan lakukan untuk Siti?"

Dia termenung dan akhirnya berkata, "Abang akan memberikan jawapannya esok." Hati saya terus gundah mendengar responnya itu.

Keesokan paginya, dia tidak ada di rumah, dan saya menenui selembar kertas dengan coretan tangannya dibawah sebiji gelas yang berisi susu hangat yang bertuliskan...

'Sayangku, Abang tidak akan mengambil bunga itu untukmu, tetapi izinkan Abang untuk menjelaskan alasannya." Kalimah pertama itu menghancurkan hati saya. Namun, saya masih terus ingin membacanya.

"Siti boleh mengetik dikomputer dan selalu mengusik program didalamnya dan akhirnya menangis di depan monitor, Abang harus memberikan jari-jari Abang supaya boleh membantu Siti untuk memperbaiki program tersebut."

"Siti selalu lupa membawa kunci rumah ketika Siti keluar, dan Abang harus memberikan kaki Abang supaya boleh menendang pintu, dan membuka pintu untuk Siti ketika pulang."

"Siti suka jalan-jalan di shopping complexs tetapi selalu tersasar dan ada ketikanya sesat di tempat-tempat baru yang Siti kunjungi, Abang harus mencari Siti dari satu lot kedai ke satu lot kedai yang lain mencarimu dan membawa Siti pulang ke rumah."

"Siti selalu sengal-sengal badan sewaktu 'teman baik' Siti datang setiap bulan, dan Abang harus memberikan tangan Abang untuk memicit dan mengurut kaki Siti yang sengal itu."

"Siti lebih suka duduk di rumah, dan Abang selalu risau Siti akan menjadi 'pelik'. Dan Abang harus membelikan sesuatu yang dapat menghiburkan Siti dirumah atau meminjamkan lidah Abang untuk menceritakan hal-hal kelakar yang Abang alami."

"Siti selalu menatap komputer, membaca buku dan itu tidak baik untuk kesihatan mata Siti, Abang harus menjaga mata Abang agar ketika kita tua nanti, abang dapat menolong mengguntingkan kukumu dan memandikanmu."

"Tangan Abang akan memegang tangan Siti, membimbing menelusuri pantai, menikmati matahari pagi dan pasir yang indah. Menceritakan warna-warna bunga yang bersinar dan indah seperti cantiknya wajahmu."

"Tetapi sayangku, Abang tidak akan mengambil bunga itu untuk mati. Kerana, Abang tidak sanggup melihat airmatamu mengalir menangisi kematian Abang."

"Sayangku, Abang tahu, ada ramai orang yang boleh mencintaimu lebih daripada Abang mencintai Siti."

"Untuk itu sayang, jika semua yang telah diberikan oleh tangan, kaki, mata Abang tidak cukup bagi Siti. Abang tidak akan menahan diri Siti mencari tangan, kaki dan mata lain yang dapat membahagiakan Siti."

Airmata saya jatuh ke atas tulisannya dan membuatkan tintanya menjadi kabur, tetapi saya tetap berusaha untuk terus membacanya lagi.

"Dan sekarang, Siti telah selesai membaca jawapan Abang. Jika Siti puashati dengan semua jawapan ini, dan tetap inginkan Abang tinggal di rumah ini, tolong bukakan pintu rumah kita, Abang sekarang sedang berdiri di luar sana menunggu jawapan Siti."

"Puaskah Siti sayangku..?"

"Jika Siti tidak puas hati, sayangku...biarkan Abang masuk untuk mengemaskan barang-barang Abang, dan Abang tidak akan menyulitkan hidupmu. Percayalah, bahagia Abang bila Siti bahagia."

Saya terpegun. Segera mata memandang pintu yang terkatup rapat. Lalu saya segera berlari membukakan pintu dan melihatnya berdiri di depan pintu dengan wajah gusar sambil tangannya memegang susu dan roti kesukaan saya.

Oh! Kini saya tahu, tidak ada orang yang pernah mencintai saya lebih dari dia mencintai saya. Itulah cinta, di saat kita merasa cinta itu telah beransur-ansur hilang dari hati kita kerana kita merasa dia tidak dapat memberikan cinta dalam 'kewujudan' yang kita inginkan, maka cinta itu telah hadir dalam 'kewujudan' yang tidak pernah kita bayangkan sebelum ini.

It was taken from PARAS Magazine - October 2004 - Even though this is not my story, but i hope this will benefit every one of us. Insya-Allah ;)

Monday, November 22, 2010

Kursus Kahwin

Today i reserved a place for our pre-wedding course on the 27-28th November 2010, here is the details of the location, fees, what to bring and what to wear on the course later on ;)

Tarikh : 27 - 28 Nov 2010 ( Di Buka Untuk Tempahan Sekarang )
Tempat: Wisma Prima Peninsula, Bersebelahan MBB dan BSN SETIAWANGSA
Tempoh Kursus: 1 1/2 Hari
SABTU : 10.00 Pagi - 7.00 Petang
AHAD : 9.00 Pagi - 1.30 Petang
Bayaran Kursus: RM 80.00
Pakaian Lelaki: Menutup Aurat dan Sopan
Pakaian Perempuan: Menutup Aurat Dan Bertudung
Dokumen Yang Perlu Dibawa: 1 Keping Salinan Kad Pengenalan

NO TEL : 03 42522067 & 013 604 6333

later on after i attended the course, i will give a comment/review on their courses ;)

Thursday, November 18, 2010


Whenever i look at something beautiful, first thing that crossed my mind is you baby, you're so beautiful to me, i have never feel bored looking at you, i love you baby, u're my everything baby <3 <3 <3

Monday, November 15, 2010

Selamat Ulang Bulan Yang Ke-11 Baby!!!

Selamat Ulang Bulan Yang Ke-11 Baby!!!!

Syg sayang sgt2 kat baby tau, you're always on my heart, i cannot live without you baby, muuuuaaaaaahhh =*

Sunday, November 14, 2010

One date leads to another

On the November 13, 2010, its the date where our 2 family met and things called 'merisik' happened. After that we continue discussing on the wedding date, at first my mom would like to make it early, but due to lack of preparation and her sister is going to give birth soon, so we have to postponed our wedding on the month of march. So, they have decided the wedding to be in the 26th of March 2011. Basically the discussion went very smooth and i am so happy with the discussion.

'Baby, the treats was delicious and you look so pretty, i love you baby, i love you so very much!!!'

Important Date:
09-11-1984 = Birthday Baby
28-04-1985 = Birthday Syg
13-11-2010 = Merisik
25-03-2011 = Nikah
26-03-2011 = Kenduri on Baby's Side
02-04-2011 = Kenduri on Syg's Side

Thursday, November 11, 2010

I Love U

Just wanna let you know, i love you baby, always and forever...

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Renovation Complete!!!

Today our contractor called and he letting us know that our renovation is completed, so i went to our house and have a visit, here is some of the photos taken during my visit ;)

Happy Birthday Baby!!!!

Yesterday is one of our memorable day, its the day of her birth day. Since her birthday falls on the weekdays, so we just working like the usual and we celebrate her birthday after we finish working. But before that, i surprised her with my birthday card and a cake, hope you like it baby ;D After that we celebrate her birthday at one of our favorite restaurant, which is kampung thai near ampang point.

"Baby, I'm so grateful to know you, you always be there for me and you always make me feels loved, on this memorable day, i would like you to know that my love is just for you, and I'm gonna love you till the end of the day. Baby, we have a few more months until we get married, after that we will be called husband and wife, i cant wait until that moment arrived, i cannot live without you baby, you're my everything"